Day 20 vegan check in

I know I said this was a 30 day vegan challenge, but we will see about that. It is day number 20 (since I started on the 2nd of January) and I am really feeling fabulous. Yes, there have been challenges… but I think I am going to add on 30 more.

Why am I motivated to keep a plant based diet? Hands down, number one reason is that I have more energy. You know how after dinner, you may just want to “relax” and sit down and do nothing or just watch TV? Not me! I have had more energy to work on my homework or blog or even for social things. I have always been a morning person, and I still am, so being able to maintain a high level of energy into the evening is a gratifying feeling for this early bird.

My meals have also been delicious! Maybe I am just patting myself on the back, the awesome little chef I am, but vegan cooking has lead to an explosion of creativity! With this chilly weather I have been really enjoying soups… tomato and butternut squash to be exact. I also absolutely love kale, and kale has taken the top seed in my meal plan. All the nuts and seeds have also been wonderful and enjoyable as well.

I am also down 2 pounds in twenty day. During those twenty days there was an entire 2 weeks where I didn’t even run! That is right, minimal exercise (due to hip injury) and I was not counting calories at all. Those are probably the 2 easiest pounds I have lost as well.

So what has been hard? Eating out in a resturaunt was the biggest challenge. First, I felt like a pain in the butt, asking so many questions (because I am also avoiding gluten), but it was necessary. Second, the options are so limited, especially with plant based protein sources (and I know there are so many things available to me at home). I ended up ordering a la carte which worked out just fine.

I am also working double duty in the kitchen. I don’t think anyone assumed that Wes was in on this too. Mr meat and potatoes would have likely starved to death by now, rather than to eat vegetables or tofu (which he tried and spit out because it was spongy). So, I have still been preparing meat along with an entire plant based meal to keep my fiance happy. I aim to create more meals that are vegan and he will eat and enjoy as well.

Even though I blog and spill my stories here, I do like to fly under the radar and not make a big deal about what I eat. I do not expect, nor want, anyone to go out of their way to make something I can eat or feed me. Ultimately, this is my challenge and if it doesn’t fit into my plan, I can always eat later on. Luckily, I haven’t had much pressure or criticism… but it is only day 20. I am excited to continue down this road since I have just barely begun to scratch the surface.


3 thoughts on “Day 20 vegan check in

  1. Good for you! I started eating vegan as my new year’s resolution and have found it relatively easy and very beneficial as well. I also have an omnivore boyfriend but he’s been pretty open to most of my recipes so at least cooking isn’t a huge issue. Going out to eat is a little tough, but I am definitely saving money!

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